Posts Tagged ‘The Pain-Free Program’

Holiday hurting

Wednesday, November 7th, 2007

Today I was thinking about the next educational talk I was going to do for the San Diego community. A great December talk would be on the role holiday stress plays on the increase in musculoskeletal symptoms. But then I realized that same stress is what most people would use to rationalize why they couldn’t make it to the talk!

You can not separate psychological tension from musculoskeletal tension. Pile on an increase in alcohol and sugar consumption, mix in some late nights (less sleep) and you’ve got the holiday recipe for pain production.

If you are a Function First client or are using the exercises from my book, The Pain-Free Program: A Proven Method to Relieve Back, Neck, Shoulder and Joint Pain the holidays are not the time to take a holiday from your exercises. You may need them more now than ever.

Stress is a product of reduced control. Your exercise program gives you control. Keep that in mind now before you get causght up in the worldwind of the holidays.

Best in Health

Anthony Carey M.A., CSCS, CES