Posts Tagged ‘pain-free movement specialist’

Corrective Exercise Kneeling Lat Stretch

Wednesday, May 30th, 2018

The kneeling lat stretch has many possible variations. In this video taken from the original Corrective Exercises for Powerful Change DVD, we show you several variations to try with your clients that effectively lengthen the lats and lateral line as well as address the thoracic spine.

Stability of the lumbar spine and shoulder girdle are critical here to protect those areas but also to maximize the stretch and tissue compliance.

Corrective Exercise Heel Drop

Tuesday, May 8th, 2018

Another great exercise from the archives is the Heel Drop. This exercise also comes from the DVD Corrective Exercises for Powerful Change and continues to be a highly utilized exercise in our progamming. Don’t let the calf stretching appearance fool you-there are multiple events happening with the positioning and requirements of this exercise. Pay attention to the details because a small change in position can lead to dilution of optimal benefits. Access to this exercise and many more are all part of the Pain-Free Movement Specialist curriculum

Corrective Exercise Abduction Adduction

Thursday, April 5th, 2018

Biomechanics never get old. This is one of the exercises from my very first Corrective Exercise for Powerful Change DVD’s. The content is still very relevant and part of our Pain-Free Movement Specialist curriculum.

The ability to take a step back to stimulate the hip motion without the hips being loaded in a comfortable and safe position can be very valuable for the client/patient with lower back pain.

No comments on my boyish looks then versus now please!

Bobby Cappuccio Coaching for Coaches

Wednesday, March 7th, 2018

If you are like me and always striving to be better today than you were yesterday, you’ll want to take 6:00 and watch this clip.

I get to sit down with one of the greatest coaching minds in fitness who also happens to be one of the most engaging speakers you will ever see present at a conference…fitness or otherwise.

Bobby shares his insights on what keeps many fitness professionals from leaving what’s familiar and moving to what is possible.

We are incredibly grateful that Bobby has added more original content to our new PFMS curriculum. But this video is yours just for being part of the Function First family. But this video is yours for being part of the Function First family.

Follow and learn more from Bobby at

Beyond Biomechanics and Chronic Pain Clients

Thursday, April 7th, 2016

The following video is an exchange between Function First Director of Education Kevin Murray and myself on the critical portions of the bio-psycho-social model. These are aspects of the client that we have to respect, acknowledge and consider when working with those in chronic pain. Understanding the interplay between the 3 pieces of the BPS model help you provide the most effective intervention possible.

Corrective Exercise Sequencing Demo

Monday, September 14th, 2015

Understanding the best way to progress your corrective exercise program for the client in chronic pain is the foundation for creating powerful change. Watch how we demonstrate the flow of the exercises.

In this video our hypothetical client has had chronic right sided lumbo-sacral pain and has been diagnosed by several medical providers with sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Our postural and movement assessments allowed us to develop our 80-20 objectives. The summary of the 20% is as follows:

*Right posterior innominate rotation relative to the left
*Asymmetrical weight shift left in squat
*Increased right lumbo-sacral symptoms on right single leg stance
*Limited right hip extension in gait relative to left

From the PFMS perspective, our primary objective is to improve right hip weight acceptance/transfer. Through the appropriate progressions, introducing novelty and reducing the threat-our expectation is that she can comfortably and effectively load that right hip better after the completion of this program.

See if you can identify the sub routines within the program.

Are you ready to be the answer for hundreds of clients in chronic pain? Then join us now while you can. Registration is only open for a few days:

Understanding Pain Encore video

Thursday, June 18th, 2015

We hope you enjoyed the first 3 part series available to our subscribers. Please enjoy this encore video to further your insight into exercise and chronic pain.

Pain-Free Movement Specialist testimonial

Friday, June 5th, 2015

We are grateful to have Reyci Martorell-PFMS Level II Practitioner share with you what going through the PFMS has meant to his professional development.

Reyci gives a great example of how he has used the skills he learned in the PFMS and was even able to apply the principles in a small group setting to clients who were not in pain, but were showing signs of degrading movement with fatigue.

Top 5 Pain-Free Movement Specialist Curriculum Questions

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015

TOP FIVE Frequently Asked Questions:
Level 1 Online Platform

Is there a timeline to complete Level 1?

There is no timeline… you can move as quickly as your heart desires. Or take as long as you’d like, and re-watch as much of the video content as you’d like. It’s been designed to fit multiple learning styles and environments.

Can I receive Continuing Education Units/Credits for Level 1?

Obtaining CEC credits for Level 1 is entirely dependent upon the organization you’re certified through. All organizations have slightly different and unique requirements, and will look at our curriculum differently. Thus far, none of our Level 1 grads have been denied CEU/CEC’s from their respective providers.

Upon completion, can I enroll in the subsequent live events?

The live events all build off the foundational framework received in Level 1, with each level going deeper and deeper into mastering all elements of the Function First Approach and working with people in pain.

Do I need to complete all 4 levels if I enroll in Level 1?
You can stop at any level you wish. Enroll in level 1 only; go all the way to level 4, or stop anywhere in between. It’s your choice.

Are there specific education credentials or requirements to enroll in Level 1?

No post-secondary or continuing education requirements are needed to enroll. If you do have the aforementioned, we have a ‘Bridging Track’ for approved designations.

If you have any inquires that were not answered above, leave your question in the comment box below.

Is Corrective Exercise Dead?

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015

This short video will explain how the evolving corrective exercise specialist must be more than a corrective technician.

Below is a third and final installment of the Understanding Pain Series.