Pain Science and the Movement Professional

Pain Science Webinar

Below we will take comments and questions on the webinar.

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12 Responses to “Pain Science and the Movement Professional”

  1. Patty tatem says:

    An unexpected meeting caused me to miss the webinar. Can I view/audio ?
    Thank you.

  2. If you would like a PDF of the slides, email education AT

  3. Della Addison says:

    I was so excited to receive this information about pain science. I will have fun looking up NOI, somasimple and bodyinmind. Thank you Anthony and Kevin. You are changing the world in a positive way. Congratulations!

  4. Thank you for this presentation and resources Anthony.

    Regarding neurotags, what would you recommend as a future approach in coaching someone when you are a part of a neurotag already?
    For example, someone is doing a box jump and they slip and scrap up their shins badly. Now you have the exercise, the equipment, the Trainer, how the Trainer tended to me in the injury situation, how did the Trainer follow-up after the fact … all these neuron groups overlapping.

    My second question has to do with the psychological characteristic of “Catastophizing.” What are some strategies that have been effective for you to date? If there are resources available in addition to your experience, may I be pointed in their direction please?

    Thanks again.
    I enjoyed the presentation. I thought the 30 minutes was a great length for engagement and absorption of the information.

    • Odain, that is a great question regarding the coach being part of the negative aspect of the neurotag. Just like all of this, there is a lot that goes into that experience. If you already had a great rapport with the client and had done much for them already, my guess is the fallout would not be as bad. I’ve had clients who have come in to see me and believed that a physical therapist or chiropractor was responsible for the perpetuation of their pain because of a manual maneuver performed on them.

      To overcome the box jump example, I would personally admit that I asked too much of them and then regress way down to where they can be successful. I would not want them to feel like they “failed”. That regression might mean using different equipment and in a different environment. Keep in mind the strength of the creating or strengthening of the neurotag will be related to the emotional intensity of the situation, the client’s own disposition and a hundred other things.

      As far as castrophizing, as a movement professional my greatest asset is helping people move better. If I do this in novel ways that does not allow them to excite the neurotag, I can show them after the fact what they are capable of. Along with this we are continually focused on what the client “can” do versus what they “cannot” do.

      Thanks for your question and glad you got some value out of the presentation.

  5. Nancy Williamson says:

    Really enjoyed the information. I have applied training techniques I learned from Anthony through work-shops ect.. through-out my training career. I have learned to address the whole person, which includes beliefs and current
    life situations that impair progress to wellness. I focus on empowerment focused solutions and programming to build confidence that promote an “I can do it attitude”. Wellness can produce joyful feelings, happiness, love, which are powerful in the healing process. A client comment that has always stuck with me is, “I don’t feel any pain when I am with you”, we laughed.

  6. Kevin Murray says:


    Thank you for spending your time with us today!! We hope to see you again in future webinars, and perhaps to meet in person one day 🙂

  7. Thank you Anthony.
    Much appreciated sir.

    It’s been two years since I’ve been to California.
    However, if not there I do hope our paths cross at some time.

    Be well sir.
    Keep making a difference and helping people enjoy their lives with vigor.

  8. Jennifer Bradford says:

    I am working on your Function First program through ACE Fitness to become a Functional Training Specialist. Is it possible to get a copy of the slideshow ? Ace Fitness said they could not send that to me and I would have to screen shot each slide. That is very laborious and I will do that if I have to. I want to have good references for my studying as well as to use when I work with my clients.

    Thank you for considering.
    Jennifer Bradford
    Gordon College Center for Balance, Mobility and Wellness
    Wellness Coach and Fitness Trainer

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