Archive for July, 2024

The NASM Random Fit Podcast with Anthony Carey

Wednesday, July 24th, 2024

This was very enjoyable for me, because Ken Miller and I go back so far. Ken came to one of my very first mentorships back in the late 90’s and is one of only a handful of PFMS Level 4 practitioners.

Both Ken and Wendy are NASM Master Trainers and have made significant contributions to our industry in their own right.

The short clip we are sharing here is very relevant to you, our Function First professional community. We discuss some of the evolution of our views on the functional anatomy. We also talk about why it is not only OK, but imperative that fitness professionals work with clients in pain within our scope of practice.

Relax the Lower Back with Both Versions of the 90-90

Wednesday, July 17th, 2024

Have you ever been standing at a cocktail party, or Christmas shopping and your back just starts to get achey and tired? Or, after awkwardly lifting your baggage from the overhead compartment, your back tightened up?

Sometimes the muscles of the lower back just need a break NOW. And sometimes lying down is not an option. Using the infamous Wall Sit as an option when your back is not cooperating may be the short term reprieve your lower back needs.

In this brief video, Anthony shares why and how this could be your “break glass in emergency” option. Taken from his book, The Pain Free Program: A Proven Method to Relieve Back, Neck, Shoulder and Joint Pain, you’ll quickly understand the value of these two options.