Archive for May, 2015

Are Biomechanics Still Relevant for the Client in Pain?

Friday, May 29th, 2015

This video shows a powerful sequence of 3 corrective exercises that we use at Function First that can positively effect lumbo-pelvic-hip function.

Here is the second installment of the “Understanding Pain” series

We hope you’re enjoying our Understanding Pain Series thus far.

Have you ever had a client in pain present no biomechanical “red flags”? What course of action did you take? How did you help them? Share you thoughts in the comment box at the bottom of the page.

Understanding Pain Video 1

Tuesday, May 26th, 2015

Here is the 1st installment in the Understanding Pain Video Series.

Is this your first introduction to the bio-psycho-social model? If so, what are your thoughts thus far?

If you’re already familiar, how has implementing it helped you in your journey in understanding pain? Please share your comments below.

5 Things Trainers Should Know About Chronic Pain

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

Hey Guys,

We’ve just finished our long-awaited insiders manual – 5 Things Trainers Should Know About Chronic Pain. Kevin has put a TON of work into this and it looks great. You can’t purchase it, but for our subscribers – it’s FREE. (keep reading, how to get your copy is listed below)

The 5 Things Trainers Should Know About Chronic Pain accompanies our flagship online curriculum, focused entirely on mastering the “6 foundational pillars” making up Level 1 of Function First Mastery.

The Pain-Free Movement Specialist is the culmination of over 20 years utilizing the Function First Approach to help those living with pain. It’s a complete brain dump of everything we know about corrective exercise and working with the chronic pain population.

In addition, 5 Things Trainers Should Know About Chronic Pain covers many of the principles we use to utterly wipe out our clients barriers to success before we even begin the movement assessment process.

HOWEVER, we’re hoping you can help us with something…

Would you please take this short survey and provide us your insights and direction? I promise it will take you less than one minute.

We value your input and want you as part of this process.

Dedicated to raising bar,
Anthony Carey

P.S. – Once you complete the survey, you can download your FREE copy of 5 Things Trainers Should Know About Chronic Pain manual.

Corrective Exercise Four Point Rotations

Friday, May 15th, 2015

When we prescribe a corrective exercise to our client, there are multiple factors that go into the decision making process. For an exercise to be appropriate for a client at any given time, we have to consider the 4 characteristics of every exercise:


The Four Point Rotations is an exercise when looked at analytically, can successfully address these characteristics for many client types. This is an effective exercise to emphasize hip motion while unloading the spine and decreasing the threat for those with lower back pain.